For The Record...

It is the sad nature of the world that there are those who would seek to exploit and/or slander their fellow man. As such I wish certain facts to be made abundantly clear to avoid confusion or doubt as to where I may stand on such matters.

Any opinions I express, regardless of their format, are purely my own. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of any employers or associates past or present.

I unequivocally do not give consent for my voice, image, body, or writing to be used for any product, service, media, or any other use, for the purposes of machine learning or 'A.I.'. My voice, image, body, and writing are my own and I do not wish them to be replicated and/or used without my express knowledge and consent. If you wish to or intend to use my voice, image, body, or writing for the purposes of A.I., I will refuse to work with you, period. I do this to protect my own livelihood and the livelihood of my fellow creatives.

I want to live in a world where machines are used for manual labour and humans are allowed to be the creative beings they are, not the other way around. A.I. deprives creatives of jobs, which are a necessity and a right in a capitalist society. I do not support its use.

I unequivocally denounce any and all forms of discrimination and hatred based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, or other forms of intrinsic, deep-seated identity. Action against an individual should only be based on actions that individual takes; not on arbitrary prejudices against certain qualities.

Any individual who interprets any of these statements, including this one, in a manner other than their blatantly obvious meaning is wrong.  
